Event Viewer refresh


Carl Brault

Hello to you all,

I have a W2k server that got a problem with the event
viewer. I open it and click on one of the log (system for
exemple) and it is empty. It is not true cause I see in
the bar that there is 300 items. So I click F5 to refresh
and everything appears. How come do I have to refresh it
to see it.

Thanks in advance.


Dave Patrick

The temporary fix;
You might try changing the file properties to "Overwrite as needed"

Then; Control Panel|Administrative Tools|Services|Event Log Service|General,
set the "Startup Type:" to "Disabled" restart the pc, then delete (or move)
the corrupt *.evt file(s) from %windir%\system32\config then set the Event
Log Service "Startup Type:" back to "Automatic", restart for effect.

The more permanent fix;


Dave Patrick ....Please no email replies - reply in newsgroup.
Microsoft MVP [Windows NT/2000 Operating Systems]
Microsoft Certified Professional [Windows 2000]

| Hello to you all,
| I have a W2k server that got a problem with the event
| viewer. I open it and click on one of the log (system for
| exemple) and it is empty. It is not true cause I see in
| the bar that there is 300 items. So I click F5 to refresh
| and everything appears. How come do I have to refresh it
| to see it.
| Thanks in advance.
| Carl

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