event sounds a possible solution



After weeks of research for a solution working for my system I found
on MS Knowledge base a workaround that has solved my problem, having
lost Windows Event sounds.
No other solutions have demonstarted to fit my case, therefore I think
some other may find useful to know it
The KB article to look at has ID : 304853 and refers to an umpgrade
from ME to XP, that is not my case, but works OK.
Practically the clue is to invert the Transfer Mode settings in
IDE/Atapi controllers, putting the PIO Mode as first and the DMA as
To better understand go to the KB ID 304853

That's all - good luck


Manlio said:
After weeks of research for a solution working for my system I found
on MS Knowledge base a workaround that has solved my problem, having
lost Windows Event sounds.
No other solutions have demonstarted to fit my case, therefore I think
some other may find useful to know it
The KB article to look at has ID : 304853 and refers to an umpgrade
from ME to XP, that is not my case, but works OK.
Practically the clue is to invert the Transfer Mode settings in
IDE/Atapi controllers, putting the PIO Mode as first and the DMA as
To better understand go to the KB ID 304853

That's all - good luck

Sorry, but that's completely incorrect. Here is the Knowledge Base
Article you mean and it says nothing about dropping to PIO mode.


Dropping to PIO mode would turn your computer into the equivalent of a
486. If you actually did this and got your sounds back, then you've got
hardware issues.



Followup to msg on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 05:43:20 -0800, Malke
<[email protected]> :
(Original msg on bottom)
Hi Malke, I confirm the Article ID is 304853.
Of course this issue SOLVEs my problem. This does'nt mean that solves
every problem. I think it's a good procedure to notify a solution to a
problem that has been an issue by many users. Frankly I think you are
too fast to say "completely incorrect" ...
The solution does'nt "drop" the setting to PIO Mode, but inverts the

Anyhow NOW I have no more problems .. and system sound back working
and the system does'nt seem to have been any way degraded ! Still is a
P4 and makes its job !

Best regards


Manlio said:
Followup to msg on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 05:43:20 -0800, Malke
<[email protected]> :
(Original msg on bottom)
Hi Malke, I confirm the Article ID is 304853.
Of course this issue SOLVEs my problem. This does'nt mean that solves
every problem. I think it's a good procedure to notify a solution to a
problem that has been an issue by many users. Frankly I think you are
too fast to say "completely incorrect" ...
The solution does'nt "drop" the setting to PIO Mode, but inverts the

Anyhow NOW I have no more problems .. and system sound back working
and the system does'nt seem to have been any way degraded ! Still is a
P4 and makes its job !

I'm glad your problems are solved but I would never change the data
transfer priority. I don't believe in covering up problems but in
solving them and I stick by what I said - if changing drive data
transfer priority works then there are underlying hardware issues that
should be resolved.

Again, I'm glad your computer is working for you now.



Followup to msg on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 07:11:02 -0800, Malke
if changing drive data
transfer priority works then there are underlying hardware issues that
should be resolved.

Dear Malke,
I totally agree with you. ie. DMA and Ultra DMA are the correct access
way and I am sure that MS will come with a final solution to the
"event Sounds disappearing" issue.
But for the moment I NEED to get some of the event sounds and
therefore I may even tolerate a not ideal memory access.
There are around a lot of pseudo solutions to that problem but no one
has lasted a rebooting . May also be, as you say, that there is a
problem underneath, and I have worked to find it, unsuccessfully !


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