Essbase for Excel Add-in Errors



I have a user that is experiancing some issues with the essbase for excel
add-in, the problem is as follows

The add in is installed correctly and will work fine, but then the user
opens a new spreadsheet and the add-in will no longer be installed doesn't
happen all the time but enough for it to really annoy the user, closing down
excel and reopening it will bring the add-in back in most cases. I to have
had the add-in dissapear on occasion but nowhere near as frequently as this

any suggestion would be appreciated


If "Essbase" disappears from the Excel main menu, I'm not sure why that
occaissionally happens, but try disengaging/re-engaging the add-in:
UNcheck the Essbase add-in
CHECK the Essbase add-in
(The Essbase menu item should return)

If it disappears from the <tools><add-ins> list, I don't know what to tell

Does that help?

XL2002, WinXP

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