errors on HDD while copying files, chkdsk problem



Hi, I'm trying to understand what's behind some BSOD's on new machines with
SATA-HDD's. I've imaged them with a XP SP2 with different methods (Tivoli,
ghost), let them finish their installation and check the disk using chkdsk
/f just to be sure (some minor things repaired). Then I start copying files
back from a backup, either from network or a USB-disk. I monitor what's on
the disk by setting up a job which makes a chkdsk every 5 minutes, sending
the output to a file. Just before the copying starts everythings seems fine,
then it it starts: Massively "Deleting index entry ..." and "Deleting
corrupt attribute record (128, "")" ..., stopping with some minor issues
after the copy process is done. AFAIK chkdsk without parameters is
read-only - why do I see this errors?? Are they repaired or do I see just
issues with files which are in access or in the disk cache?? I've set up a
similar thing on an old IBM T42 (IDE-HDD), there are much less errors then
on the new SATA-boxes.
The trouble is, the people with troubles at their machines run into the
famous STOP:0x00000072 (0:0...) error after they copyied a large number of
files AND run chkdsk and I have to find a way to avoid this.
thanks for any help, Michael


SATA hds dont mirror as well as IDE hds.Thier is a hotfix for "large off-line"
files for xp,kb918338 Also,CHKDSK C: /F Does some checking,but running
CHKDSK C: /R Goes thru & repairs.Also,with IDE hds & xp,try useing xps
own XCOPY When mirroring hd to hd,it works every time...

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