Error on select statement



I am working in Excel 97 and am getting a 1004 error - Application defined or
object defined error. The code is

Worksheets(strWrkSht).Range(Cells(2, 2), Cells(intCopyTo1,

I have stepped through the code to determine the value of the variables:

intCopyTo = 6

All variables are accurate. Any help would be appreciated.


I get this same error message if I try to run the macro while the active
worksheet is other than Master ( I think the select method only works on the
active workbook).

Dave Peterson

You can only select a range if its worksheet is active/selected.

so one way...

with worksheets(strWrkSht)
end with

But maybe you could just do what ever you had to do to that range without
selecting it:

with worksheets(strWrkSht)
end with

Note the additional dots in front of the .cells(). This means that this object
belongs to the object in the previous With statement.

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