Error Msg Deactivating Code


Phil Hageman

Upon opening this workbook, some, not all, network users
are receiving:
Run-time error '438'
Object doesn't support this property or method.

They dismiss the message (by clicking on "End" and
continue normally. The "Debug" option is not available.

The only thing I have found that does not work for
these "error" users is the below code, among many other
macros and Subs that do work.

Can someone give me an idea of what the problem is and how
to correct it?

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Forces upper case in cells on the BSC page

On Error GoTo Error_Handler

With Target
If Not .HasFormula Then
Application.EnableEvents = False

If Target.Column = 14 And Target.Row = 3 Then_
Target.Value = UCase(Target.Value)
'Ucase for title block, BSC page, cell C14

If Target.Column = 16 And Target.Row = 12 Then_
Target.Value = UCase(Target.Value)
'Ucase for Customer Perspective title block, BSC page,
cell P12

If Target.Column = 16 And Target.Row = 30 Then_
Target.Value = UCase(Target.Value)
'Ucase for Financial Perspective title block, BSC page,
cell P30

If Target.Column = 42 And Target.Row = 12 Then_
Target.Value = UCase(Target.Value)
'Ucase for Learning and Growth Perspective title block,
BSC page, cell AP12

If Target.Column = 42 And Target.Row = 30 Then_
Target.Value = UCase(Target.Value)
'Ucase for Internal Business Process Perspective title
block, BSC page, cell AP30

Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
End With

Resume Next

End Sub

Tom Ogilvy

For Cell C14, you have the row and column reversed in the IF statement, so
that may give the appearance of not working.

When I copied you code, all your line continuation characters (underscores)
were butt up against the Then statement. They must be preceded by a space

If condition Then _

Perhaps this is the source of your problem. When I put in the space, the
code worked fine for me.

Phil Hageman

Tom, Thanks for your reply. In the comment, C14 is
actually cell N3. Could this code possibly have another
bug? Since I have only two users, out of many, with this
error problem, I'm thinking there must be a local problem
or setting to be addressed. Your view?


Tom Ogilvy

If the code works in most workbooks, then it probably doesn't have anything
to do with syntax - which is about all that would be evident from looking at
the code. You would need to look at the two problem systems and see what is
the same about them that is different from the ones where it works.

Look at addins, references, other workbooks being open, operating system
version, version of excel - those type things. Environmental things that
your macros might depend on.

Tom Ogilvy


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