error message



I get an error message that reads: Run-time error: '76': path not found.
This shows up after creating a new document and then try to save it. The
options given in the box are END or HELP. HELP opens Word Help but with a
blank screen. END closes the box and then the file is saved. Weird - how can
I get rid of this?

Gordon Bentley-Mix

This sounds like a macro error. Determining the cause and providing a
solution is not a simple matter. We would need to know more about the
conditions under which this error occurs. What is the version of Word? Does
it happen with every document or just certain ones? Are there any macros
running - either in the normal template or from an add-in? Is this at home
or work? On a network or a stand-alone PC? And if it _is_ a macro error, do
you think you will be able to fix it even with guidance from one of the
newsgroup experts?

Gordon Bentley-Mix
Word MVP

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