Error message



Hi, I have just started getting this error message on my home page every time
I start Internet Explorer or when it refreshes the page:

Problems with this Web page might prevent it from being displayed properly
or functioning properly. In the future, you can display this message by
double-clicking the warning icon displayed in the status bar.
Details as follows:
Line: 4
Char: 219
Error: Unterminated string constant
Code: 0

It doesn't appear to stop me from doing anything but is very annoying. In
one or two places on the page it also says "frames not supported".
I am running Windows XP SP2 and Internet Explorer 6
Please can anyone help, thanks in anticipation.

Rob Parsons


It is only an error message for an error on the web page... nothing to worry

You can turn off the web page error messages on the Advanced tab of Internet
Options - uncheck the option 'Display notification about every script error'


Thanks Rob, so long as it is nothing to worry about that is great. Will do as
you suggest and turn off notification.

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