Error message


Dot Appleman

After updating a form to include new tables, I suddently
got the message below when trying to get data from any
table, new or old. Someone else wrote the program
originally and I am trying valiently to work my way through
it. I went to an old copy of the form and it works fine,
but won't use the new tables, of course.

Microsoft Access

The expression OnClick you entered as the event property
setting produced the following error:
Ambiguous name detected: Command4_click

* The expression may not result in the name of a macro, the
name of a user-defined function; or [Event Procedure].

* There may have been an error evaluating the function,
event, or macro

Joseph Meehan

Dot said:
After updating a form to include new tables, I suddently
got the message below when trying to get data from any
table, new or old. Someone else wrote the program
originally and I am trying valiently to work my way through
it. I went to an old copy of the form and it works fine,
but won't use the new tables, of course.

Microsoft Access

The expression OnClick you entered as the event property
setting produced the following error:
Ambiguous name detected: Command4_click

* The expression may not result in the name of a macro, the
name of a user-defined function; or [Event Procedure].

* There may have been an error evaluating the function,
event, or macro

I would start by remembering exactly what you clicked on when you get
that message. Then go to design view and right click on it. Choose
"Properties" then the Event tab and then the "On click line" Take a look at
what is there.

Mark M

It sounds like there are two event procedures named "Command4_Click" for
that form and Access doesn't know which one to use.

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