Error Message "Windows - No Disk"



I have a brand new Dell 420 and ever since I did the transfer of files from
my old system to the new system I get this message,
Exception Processing Message
0xc0000013 Parameters 0x75AC023C 0x8F10C84 0x75AC023C 0x75AC023C
Cancel Try Again Continue
I have to hit cancel to be exact 49 times every time to get it to go away, I
have uninstalled my firewall and anti-virus software and it still appears. I
have turned off my desktop hard drive and it still appears, I have no
programs running in the back ground and it still appears, I have done a
system restore as far back as possible and it still appears??? Anyone have
any ideas, suggestions. Frustrated with Vista.

Mark L. Ferguson

Rightclick your system drive icon in Explorer, and Properties, Tools tab,
for "Error Checking" the drive.


Mr Ferguson,

Gave your idea a try and no go, now it is a different error (see below)

Exception Processing Message
0xc0000013 Parameters 0x75DA920A0 0x00000004 0x75DA92a0 0x75DA92a0
Cancel Try Again Continue

Thanks for your idea, anyone else with sugestions????

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