error message: Windows cannot find C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd32. Make sure you typ



when i start up my pc, i get this error message..

Windows cannot find C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd32. Make sure
you typed the name correctly, and then try again. To
search a file, click the start button, and then click search.

i have no idea how to fix this.


when i start up my pc, i get this error message..

Windows cannot find C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd32. Make sure
you typed the name correctly, and then try again. To
search a file, click the start button, and then click search.

i have no idea how to fix this.
cmd32.exe is not a valid windows file.
You either have a virus, or the virus has been cleaned
but there is still reference(s) to it.

use msconfig to examine the startup options. It may be there.

Ken Blake

clay said:
when i start up my pc, i get this error message..

Windows cannot find C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd32. Make sure
you typed the name correctly, and then try again. To
search a file, click the start button, and then click search.

i have no idea how to fix this.

This file is a virus, and one that your virus checker has
apparently already deleted. You're now left with a reference to
it that you also need to remove.

See, Win XP Fixes, Clean KWBot.Worm Registry

Or read
and pay particular attention to step 4 in the section headed
"removal instructions," near the bottom.

Daniel L. Belton

clay said:
when i start up my pc, i get this error message..

Windows cannot find C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd32. Make sure
you typed the name correctly, and then try again. To
search a file, click the start button, and then click search.

i have no idea how to fix this.

cmd32 isn't a windows file. This sounds like there is a virus or trojan
that is trying to run when you start windows, but the file has been
removed. cmd.exe and cmdl32.exe are windows files... but none of those
should be trying to run at startup.

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