Error message using IE 6



I get an error message saying IE has caused an error and
will now shut down. the error message is associated with
vx2.dll. It sends the message to microsoft. I still cant
get I E to work. Is anyone having this problem? Plus can
I just uninstall IE and reinstall another version. I
tried to do that last night with the other version still
on puter and it wouldnt let me do the download. Any
thoughts out there.


Try going to control panel - Installed programs
click on IE6 and remove. Usually the program asks if you
wish to add a fuction or Repair IE or go to an older
version if you went from ie5.5 to 6.0. Try the repair see
what happens it may solve your problem or give you more
insight to the proplem. Also try putting the exact error
info on Search Microsoft


I would try the following:

First get rid of IE6.0 it's crap on Win98 and ME.
From the desktop:
1) Click on Start > Settings > Control Panel
2) Click on Add/Remove Programs
3) Click on Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 and Internet Tools to
highlight it, and then click on Add/Remove
4) Click on "Restore the previous windows configuration" and click Ok
5) Click Yes to the message that pops up
6) When it's complete, reboot your computer

Check out what version of Internet Explorer is now installed. If it's
not IE5.5 with service pack 2, or it's still not working get the CD
from for $3 and install it.

I think that should do it for you.

Internet Explorer 5.5sp2 is what works the best on Windows 95, 98, and
ME but you can't get it from microsoft any longer.

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