Error Message - Run-time error 2455



I have a database I've been working with at work and keep getting an error
message reading:

Run-time error '2455

You entered an expression that has an invalid reference to the property

When I choose the debug option it highlights the following line in the code:

If IsNull(Me.chkSubstrate) = True Then

Any help would be great, Thanks

Allen Browne

Very odd.

Access is either confused about the name of things, or the binary is
corrupted, or the message may indicate that an implicit record save did not
succeed, or an event did not complete.

Try this sequence:

1. Uncheck the boxes under:
Tools | Options | General | Name AutoCorrect
Explanation of why:

2. Compact the database to get rid of this junk:
Tools | Database Utilities | Compact

3. Close Access. Make a backup copy of the file. Decompile the database by
entering something like this at the command prompt while Access is not
running. It is all one line, and include the quotes:
"c:\Program Files\Microsoft office\office\msaccess.exe" /decompile

4. Open Access, and compact again.

5. Test.

If the problem still persists at this point, is there anything in that
procedure that requires the record to be saved? If so, add this line above
the problem line (perhaps at the top of the procedure):
If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False

If that still fails, what event are you using?
Are there any other pending events that must complete or could be triggered
by the code?

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