error message re: unregmp2.exe on xp reinstall



I received this error message when I was reinstalling XP:" unregmp2.exe Entry Point Not Found The procedure entry point GetIUMS could not be located with the dynamic link library MSDART.DLL." I'm trying to reinstall XP and when it gets to 13 minutes left, that message appears. I've tried to reinstall twice and at that point that message appears and it stops installing. Help please and thanks!! Lois

Carey Frisch [MVP]

When the problem occurs, press Shift +F10 to bring up the
command prompt. Then type taskmgr.exe in the DOS window
and press Enter. The Task Manager should be started. If
not, try to press C+Shift+ESC. In the Task Manager
program, select the error messsage window in the
application list and click "End Task". In the process
list, terminate the unregmp2.exe program. Exit the DOS
prompt window and resume the installation process.


Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect your PC!


| I received this error message when I was reinstalling XP:" unregmp2.exe Entry Point Not Found The
procedure entry point GetIUMS could not be located with the dynamic link library MSDART.DLL." I'm trying to
reinstall XP and when it gets to 13 minutes left, that message appears. I've tried to reinstall twice and at
that point that message appears and it stops installing. Help please and thanks!! Lois


Hi Sharpei,

I received this error message when I was reinstalling XP:" unregmp2.exe Entry Point Not Found The procedure entry point GetIUMS could not be located with the dynamic link library MSDART.DLL." I'm trying to reinstall XP and when it gets to 13 minutes left, that message appears. I've tried to reinstall twice and at that point that message appears and it stops installing. Help please and thanks!! Lois

Here are a couple of workarounds that seem to be successful in getting
by the error and completing the install/reinstall:

1) Press Shift +F10 to bring up the Command prompt. Then key in
taskmgr.exe in the DOS window and hit ENTER. The Task Manager should
be started. If not, then try pressing C+Shift+ESC. In the Task Manager
window, select the error messsage window in the application list and
click "End Task". In the process list, terminate the unregmp2.exe
program. Exit the DOS prompt window and resume the installation

2) Try holding down the CTRL key and clicking the OK button

Good luck

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