Error message - Name bind not declared



This is the error message I'm getting when trying to bring back the
data to show whether a check box is listed or not this is what I have
so far:

<EditItemTemplate><asp:RadioButton ID="RadioYes" GroupName="FAQs"
runat="server" Text="Yes" Checked='<%# testfaq(Bind("displayedques"))
%>' />

<asp:RadioButton ID="RadioNo" runat="server" GroupName="FAQs"
Text="No" Checked='<%# testfaq(Bind("nondisplayedques")) %>' />

This is on my code behind page
Public Function testfaq(ByVal mycheckvalue As String) As Boolean
If mycheckvalue = "Y" Then
Return True
Else : Return False
End If

End Function

Any suggestions?


Hi JJ,
I don't think it is possible to use Bind as parameter for other method. My
usual approach to get values from check boxes and radio buttons is to use
handler for updating event and fill them manually.


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