error message :desktop



My husband deleted something, and now my desktop will not
come up. The message is "winpj.exe is having trouble
opening." I'm afraid I'm going to lose all my familt
pictires on the desktop.

Dave Patrick

'winpj.exe' is not a part of the operating system. Sounds like spyware.


Dave Patrick ....Please no email replies - reply in newsgroup.
Microsoft Certified Professional
Microsoft MVP [Windows]

| My husband deleted something, and now my desktop will not
| come up. The message is "winpj.exe is having trouble
| opening." I'm afraid I'm going to lose all my familt
| pictires on the desktop.

Dan Seur

Indeed. winpj is a baddie, product of a trojan. Google for it
("winpj.exe", incl the quotes), read the hits, follow instructions.


if you have a spare hdd then u can transfer data from one hdd to another. After you have done that u could Fdisk the whole machine and start from scratch and then transfer the data back from the spare hdd to the new one.

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