Error.log of Microsoft Antispyware


J. Rantala

Error.log file of Microsoft Antispyware (Beta 1) on my
computer is over 4.2 Giga Bytes. I think thats too much
for me. Is there any options within Antispyware to get
rid of that file or can I just try to delete error.log

\old\ devildog

Checked my error log. Size is 1.12k. I then looked at the log. not many
problems except not being able to update at itmes. Check your log and see
what all the errors are. Maybe you need to change your settingson MSAS.
The major one in my file is from when my cable modem is in standby and
update is not able to contact the update server. If you have a dail-up
connection you just might want to disable the auto update. But it is best to
see what the common error reported is and go from there. Problem my not be
with MSAS, but the setting you are using.

"old" devildog

: Shutdown Microsoft AntiSpyware from the notification area, and delete the
: error log, its common happening with MSAS.
: --
: Andre
: Extended64 |
: Blog |
: FAQ for MS AntiSpy
: : > Error.log file of Microsoft Antispyware (Beta 1) on my
: > computer is over 4.2 Giga Bytes. I think thats too much
: > for me. Is there any options within Antispyware to get
: > rid of that file or can I just try to delete error.log
: > file.

Bill Sanderson

I wouldn't recommend spending any time trying to understand the errors.log
file or what contributes to it. Steve Dodson has stated that the current
build (.614) shouldn't allow the file to get bigger than 20 megabytes, I
believe.--so if the file is large, delete it, and make sure you have
installed the current build, from Microsoft's download center.

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