Error code 80200010



Windows updates will no longer install. Failure error
code is 80200010. I can find very little info on this
error, and the little I found is unhelpful. Any help is


JW said:
Windows updates will no longer install. Failure error
code is 80200010. I can find very little info on this
error, and the little I found is unhelpful. Any help is

There are a few referrences to this error: 0x80200010 for Windows Update.
The seem to revolve around network disconnection. I don't suppose that
you're suffering any network troubles? Have you tried disabling your
firewall for a short time and then doing the update again? Perhaps using ICF
during the time that you're trying to update? Another link, though only
perhaps distantly related, has fixed a number of update issues in the past
and is worth looking into:

That's more about mismatched data as the root of the problem but the process
still might resolve your problem.


"My mind rebels at stagnation. Give me problems, give me work, give me
the most abstruse cryptogram or the most intricate analysis, and I am
in my own proper atmosphere. I can dispense then with artificial
stimulants. But I abhor the dull routine of existence. I crave for
mental exaltation." -- Sherlock Holmes


Thanks, Galen. I'm not having network problems, and I've
tried disabling the firewall. I'll try the link.

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