Error Cannot find file



I am getting the following error message at logon. I am
using W2kPro desktop on a Win SBS2K Domain.

"Cannot find file C:\WINNT\TEMP\pcalu.exe (or one of its

The most I can find (Google search for pcalu.)is something
referring to Gnome Ghost. I have never used any ghost or
clone programs on this machine. MS Knowledge base has no
reference to this error or file name. Any ideas at all
will be appreciated greatly. I haven't searched the
registry for the reference to this file yet but am
planning on it when I get back to that machine.
Thanks for the help

Heiko Herrmann

pcalu.exe means "pcAnywhere LiveUpdate Module" and belongs to Symantec
pcAnywhere. It does post-reboot things after an installation or update of
the product.

Unfortunately on pre-boot it saves it in the current users temp directory or
(which seems to be your case) in the Windows Temp directory. When you have
server-based profiles and have "Delete local profiles on logout" active, or
have somekind of utility or batch which erases the Windows Temp directory,
this EXE is getting erased, so after reboot the EXE does not exist anymore,
thus giving you the error message.

Hope that helps...

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