error 80040507



Hi all,
I have installed am alternative o/s on a second hard drive as a test - not
on a partition of my windows hard drive - and everything seemed fine until a
few moments ago when i rebooted windows (about the 20th time of doing so
without problems) and received the following error code and a message about
windows acivation: error 80040507.

My Win XP Home is genuine, was activate, up to date and has been running
fine for at least six months.

Any help on what I should do next, greatly appreciated.
Thank you.


I have loaded the recovery console from my windows cd and logged into my
administrator account.
Now, im stuck!! lol

Any help greatly appreciated.
Thank you.


Found the solution for anyone else who encounters this error.

It turned out that by making my windows drive accessible via my linux drive,
i had inadvertently set the windows folder and more importantly, the wpa.dbl
file as 'read-only' to "prevent causing any problems2 (haha) from linux!

here for further info.

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