Error 405 - Method Not Allowed


Steve Young

I am trying to use the webclient class in VB.Net ... in particular I want to
upload a file to the web server using:

dim responseArray As Byte() = myWebClient.UploadFile(uri,"POST",filename)

When I try this I get Error 405 - Method Not Allowed diagnostic message. I
have searched the help files in .Net and cannot find reference to this
error. Can someone point in the direction of a place where I can learn more
about this error ... and how to get around it?

Thanks very much.

Herfried K. Wagner [MVP]

* "Steve Young said:
I am trying to use the webclient class in VB.Net ... in particular I want to
upload a file to the web server using:

dim responseArray As Byte() = myWebClient.UploadFile(uri,"POST",filename)

When I try this I get Error 405 - Method Not Allowed diagnostic message. I
have searched the help files in .Net and cannot find reference to this
error. Can someone point in the direction of a place where I can learn more
about this error ... and how to get around it?

Maybe your webserver doesn't allow the "POST" method?

Steve Young

Well, yes ... but where can I learn more about what the "POST" method is ...
and what other methods there are ... etc. Also, I tried using localhost as
the web server (I have IIS installed) and I still get the same message. How
do I allow POST method on my own machine?

Chad Z. Hower aka Kudzu

Steve Young said:
Well, yes ... but where can I learn more about what the "POST" method is
... and what other methods there are ... etc. Also, I tried using
localhost as the web server (I have IIS installed) and I still get the
same message. How do I allow POST method on my own machine?

POST and GET are the two primary ones.

In the IIS config for each application you can configure which ones are

Chad Z. Hower (a.k.a. Kudzu) -
"Programming is an art form that fights back"

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