Error 3464 Data type mismatch in criteria expression



Would any body be able to help me im trying to do a simple command in access
with a query. I have a list of faults that have occured in our building with
our computers. They are labled either open if it has not been fixed or close
if they have. There is only 180 records in the data base. When i go to do the
query in criteria i type in "open" and press run. Then the error message
comes up data type mismatch in criteria expression error 3464. What am i
doing wrong.
Could any body please be able to help me.
Thank you

Duane Hookom

What field/column are you typing "open"? What is the data type of the field?
What is the full SQL view of your query


I think I see where Duane is going with his questions. I'm thinking that you
have a Boolean field (A.K.A. Yes/No) thats been made to look like Open/Close.
Try putting in -1 (no quotation marks) in the query criteria instead of
"Open" and see what happens.


Thank you very much both of you i typed in 1 instead of open and it is all
working. I have tryed for the last week to do this query thank you so much.

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