error 0x80070002



upgrading from windows 98 too windows xp pro on my ibm computer but when i log on to the account is give me 0x80070002 error which is something about registery. I tryed thr instructions fromm Microsoft knowledg
base article 310794, I don't have the Cryptography\Providers. The second part has Cryptography but the drive letter is write


Bucky said:
upgrading from windows 98 too windows xp pro on my ibm computer but
when i log on to the account is give me 0x80070002 error which is
something about registery. I tryed thr instructions fromm Microsoft
base article 310794, I don't have the Cryptography\Providers. The
second part has Cryptography but the drive letter is write.

There are two ways of installing XP - a clean install where the hard
drive is formatted first and an upgrade install where the new operating
system is installed "on top" of the old operating system. If you are
doing the latter, try a clean install instead. Formatting the drive
will wipe all current data, so you would expect to reinstall programs
from cd and restore data from backups. Be sure all peripherals
(printers, scanners, cameras) are disconnected and any BIOS-level
antivirus is disabled. If you are already doing a clean install and the
installation is failing, you probably have bad hardware. Start with a
RAM test - I like Memtest86 from - and let the test
run for an extended time, like overnight (unless you get errors
immediately). If the RAM is good, then run a hard drive diagnostic
utility, which you can get from the drive mftr.'s website.


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