erasing and rewriting cd's



Is it possible to use a non-rewritable cd in Vista like it was a floppy? In
other words, can you erase files and write to the disc over and over using
the "live file system" just like it was a flash drive or an old floppy?



Paul Montgomery

Is it possible to use a non-rewritable cd in Vista like it was a floppy? In
other words, can you erase files and write to the disc over and over using
the "live file system" just like it was a flash drive or an old floppy?

Unbelievable. What part of "non-rewritable" did you not understand?


Ian D

Paul Montgomery said:
Unbelievable. What part of "non-rewritable" did you not understand?


Reading comprehension and reasoning ability, along with basic math,
should be prerequisites to owning or using a computer.


Bill Yanaire said:
If you truly believe you can do it then you can do it. Use the power that
GOD has given you and ask him for those powers. If that doesn't work, go
buy some REWRITABLE discs and use THOSE.

Once you finish smoking your joint, then go outside find the nearest tall
building. Put on a cape and then you can jump off the building. The cape
will prevent you from falling.

Actually, you could at one time with the following limitations. If you
write 100MB then delete it, the useable part of the CD is 100MB less. You
can re-use to add to it until there is no writable space left.

So in part, a CD can be used like a floppy until it's tracks are exhausted.

But I don't believe Vista supports this.

But for what a CD costs these days, burn and throw.


Canuck57 said:
Actually, you could at one time with the following limitations. If you
write 100MB then delete it, the useable part of the CD is 100MB less. You
can re-use to add to it until there is no writable space left.

So in part, a CD can be used like a floppy until it's tracks are

But I don't believe Vista supports this.

But for what a CD costs these days, burn and throw.
Of course not. It is a NON-rewritable. Like it says: it can NOT be REwrited.

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