Entire mailbox downloads (thru send/receive) after moving .pst



I am using Outlook 2002. I moved the .pst file and every other outlook file
I could find: Exception List.txt; Junk Senders.txt, outcmd.dat; Outlook.fav;
Outlook.nk2; Outlook.srs; and my three sig files.

I moved all of the files with Outlook closed on both computers. I opened
the .pst file on the new computer just fine. The various rules I had set up
ran fine. I hit send receive and it started downloading ALL of the mail in
my inbox (a Yahoo pop3 account), rather than just the ones since I last

Anyone have any ideas?

Brian Tillman

Chris Lemens said:
I am using Outlook 2002. I moved the .pst file and every other
outlook file I could find: Exception List.txt; Junk Senders.txt,
outcmd.dat; Outlook.fav; Outlook.nk2; Outlook.srs; and my three sig

I moved all of the files with Outlook closed on both computers. I
opened the .pst file on the new computer just fine. The various
rules I had set up ran fine. I hit send receive and it started
downloading ALL of the mail in my inbox (a Yahoo pop3 account),
rather than just the ones since I last downloaded.

Perfectly normal. The information Outlook keeps on which messags have been
downloaded from a POP server and which have not are not contained in any of
the files you moved. It appears to be stored in the mail profile in the
Registry, so if you create a new mail profile even on the same machine,
everything on the POP server would download again.

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