Entering Same Formula to A Full Staring from Say Row 5 Column.....



Can anyone advise me how to number the first column of my worksheet.
I want the number to automatically increment when I enter the first cell of
following row. I do not want this number to be entered manually.
I need to be able to delete rows randomly and for the the row numbers to
automatically renumber in numerical order with no numerical gaps.
For example if I have a column 1,2,3,4,5, and delete 3, I would like the
column to automatically renumber as 1234 and not 1,2,4,5.
I hope I have explained myself correctly. I have a copy of Excel 2002
InsideOut, but can't find a method to do this.
Please supply an example if possible.
I tried =ROW() but cna't get it into all the rows to test if I can maintain
my numerical record numbering when a ROW is deleated.
Please Advise

Another relevant question...although basic.....
I will try to keep it brief....
I know how to enter the formula in a cell
I could enter the formula in say a group of 20 Cells manually...
I do not know how a shortcut method to enter the formula in all the cells
beyond say row 4 to say infinity.....this would save me the need to return at
a later date to
enter the formula manually every time the rows I have previously entered
enter the formula in run out (Used as a record).
I have tried experimenting with copy and paste but do not get the results I


See one response to your follow-on query
in your earlier post in microsoft.public.excel.
And I thought Bob Phillips had answered
your orig. post there earlier ?
(Kindly refrain from multi-posting)


Hi Max,
I apologise for multi-posting. It was not intended to annoy.
I appreciated Bobs reply and overlooked ticking the "notifications" box.
Thinking he was away to reply I reposted because From what I thought, using
the formula =ROW() if a row is deleted, wouldn't it skip a number in the
numerical order?
I appreciate you guys / gals answering my questions.
My enthusiasim and determination to find a solution no matter how simple it
may be to yourselves, was the culprate of the double posting.


Hi Max,
I reviewed Bobs solution with a fresh mind, and it does solve my poblem,
After deleting the row, I overlooked double clicking in the bottom right
corner of the cell above the point where the deletion took place and where
the break in numerical sequence starts. The double clicking rectifying the
numerical sequence.
Thanks again for your response.


Dermot said:
.. After deleting the row, I overlooked double clicking
in the bottom right corner of the cell above the point
where the deletion took place and where
the break in numerical sequence starts.
The double clicking rectifying the numerical sequence.

Found it puzzling why you had to do the above, for row deletions*. The
formula: =ROW() should auto-calc for the rows below which move up. If you
had earlier filled it say to A1:A100, and then you subsequently deleted say,
row50, the re-numbering of all the impacted 49 rows below which move up
should be automatic, w/o requiring another formula fill op. Is the calc
mode switched onto Manual, by any chance ? (Check via: Tools > Options >
Calculation tab)

*For insertions of new rows in between, yes, but not for deletions.

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