


Is there a way to put in a page break after end notes to start a new
document...I know end notes are always supposed to be at the end of the
document, but for a school project a student I know was told to keep all
assignments in one document, one of the assignments in the middle has end
notes, is there a way for her to keep the end notes with that assignment and
put the next assignment on a new page without pushing enter over and over?


Stefan Blom

Insert a section break before and after the part of the text where the
endnotes are located. Then choose to place the endnotes at the end of each
section: Right-click an endnote and click Note Options from the context
menu. In the Footnote and Endnote dialog box, choose "End of section" for
"Endnotes" (under "Location"). Click Apply. Then close the dialog box.

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