Ending session



I have a macro that does alot of things. Sometimes I want to call a sub that
ends the program for whatever reason. I dont know how to write this. My code

Private Sub avbrytProgrammet(varDataSaknas)
MsgBox ("Error 402. Program session aborted.")
End Sub

The line is wrong. How do you write this?


Depending on exactly what you mean by "End session", there is:
Exit Sub/Function - Stop execution the current routine
ThisWorkbook.Close - Close the current WB
Application.Quit - Close Excel



yes I know. But I want to quit rúnning the macro. The workbook shall still be

"NickHK" skrev:


well the sub is not the whole program. I have e.g. a main sub that calls
other subs. In these subs I sometimes call the sub that I want to use for
exiting the program. If I write exit sub I just exit the sub that is used for
closing the program and I will return to where ever I was in the code. Is
there no way of solving the problem?

"NickHK" skrev:


If you have error trapping in your main sub, you can an error when you know
you need to exit the whole code and the error will bubble up the the next
active error trap. e.g.
Sub Mainstart
On Error Goto handler
Call Macro1
Exit Sub
Select Case Err.Number
Case 15000 'Or whatever err.number you use
msgBox "Need to Quit"
Case Else
'Handle other errors
End Select
End Sub

Sub macro1
'Whatever code
call macro2
'More code
End sub

Sub macro2
'Something happens that means needs to quit
Err.raise 15000



Freddie said:
well the sub is not the whole program. I have e.g. a main sub that calls
other subs. In these subs I sometimes call the sub that I want to use for
exiting the program. If I write exit sub I just exit the sub that is used for
closing the program and I will return to where ever I was in the code. Is
there no way of solving the problem?

Hi Freddie

Check for the stop criteria in the parent routine.




Thanks that seems like a nice way to handle the problem. However when trying
use your code I get "Unidentified etikett" (translation from swedish). My
code looks like:

Public Sub mainProgram()
Dim x As String
On Error GoTo handler
Call worksheetMaker(x)
Private Sub worksheetMaker(x As String)
If .......
Err.Raise 15000

and I dont know how to write the handler but I tried:

Private sub handler()
Select Case Err.Number
Case 15000
MsgBox "Need to Quit"
Case Else
'Handle other errors
End Select
End Sub

I am not very good at VB so please help me with this! I am most greatful for
any assistance!

"NickHK" skrev:


The handler is not a separate routine, it is label within mainprogram,
followed by a colon ":". So
Sub MainProgram
On Error Goto Handler
Exit Sub 'So you do not execute the Handler normally
Handler: '<<<<< Here
Select case.... etc

End Sub


You can write some of the code in functions like:

Function Task01(ByVal UserName as String) as Boolean

If UserName <> "Administrator" Then
Task01 = False
Task01 = True
End if

End Function

Then in your sub you can use

If Not Task01 Then Exit Sub


Great it works just perfect! Thanks!!!! Is it possible to send varaibles to
the error handler in some way? See i want to be able to send a varaible so i
can use a messagebox that displays what is wrong. the same type of error
occrus very often but with different variables. since i have many variables
it is impossible to define an error case for each variable....would be great
if you knew how to solve it!

"NickHK" skrev:


You can either use a global variable.
Look at the full syntax for Err.Raise, as there are other arguments that may
be useful.

Or use the functionality outlined by Kaak to pass info back in a return
value, check its value after the call and progressing backwards.


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