#End Region" Bug in Dev. Env.: Can anybody confirm?


Benjamin Lukner


I've just found a slightly scary bug in the VB.Net (CF) Development
Environment. But only slightly! Seems to be harmless, so I hope.

I entered

#Region "Draw"

above a sub without pressing return.
Then I wanted to end the region below the sub, but absorbed in thought I

#End Region"

_with_ quotation marks at the end and pressed return.
The result was a colourful line full of strange characters.
CTRL+Z deleted the line and my code doesn't seem to be affected by this.

Is anybody able to confirm this behaviour?

Kind regards,

Benjamin Lukner

Peter Proost

Talking about a cool new feature ;-)
I can repoduce it on vs2002 and vs2003 in vs2005 it doesn't happen

greetz Peter

Richard Myers

Seems to be harmless, so I hope.

Please refrain from fooling about with things, the power of which you could be contemplate. As you
maybe aware VS.Net was made by God, and as such there are some very powerful commands embedded
within said application that mere mortals, like you, should not amuse themselves by dabbling in.

To put your comment in context, with only a slight obfuscation of the command you entered, you could
inadvertedly create a rip in the space time continuim, that would see the earth and all of life as
we know it sucked into an irreversible vortex of unimaginable power and darkness.

Put simply; your dabbling could kill us all so please stop your nafarious meddling and get back to
bloody work!
Professional programmers do not require cheat codes!

* Mummy...... im sscared*

Benjamin Lukner

Richard said:
Put simply; your dabbling could kill us all so please stop your nafarious meddling and get back to
bloody work!
Professional programmers do not require cheat codes!

I think you ought to know that I'm feeling very, very depressed...


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