Encyption of file




How can I use this code to encrypt and decrypt a file? Can I use the
filestream or does anyone have any examples of encypting a file with
3DES or AES. Any help is appreciated.

using System;

using CodeProject.Chidi.Cryptography;

namespace CodeProject.Chidi.TestConsole
/// <summary>
/// For testing components.
/// </summary>
class clsTest
/// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
static void Main(string[] args)
SymCryptography cryptic = new SymCryptography();
string plainText = "Daniel Sherman";
cryptic.Key = "-ldj~yriu!@*P0_^fa7431%p$+=@dJ+&";
Console.WriteLine("The Encryption Component Test\n");

Console.WriteLine("Plain text: " + plainText);
Console.WriteLine("Key: " + cryptic.Key + "\n");

Console.WriteLine("Using default encryption algorithm:");
string TestEnc = cryptic.Encrypt(plainText);
string TestDec = cryptic.Decrypt(TestEnc);
Console.WriteLine("Encrypted text: " + TestEnc+ "\n");

Console.WriteLine("Using RC2 algorithm:");
cryptic = new SymCryptography("rc2");
TestEnc = cryptic.Encrypt(plainText);
TestDec = cryptic.Decrypt(TestEnc);
Console.WriteLine("Encrypted text: " + TestEnc + "\n");
Console.WriteLine("Decrypted text: " + TestDec + "\n");

Console.WriteLine("Using DES algorithm:");
cryptic = new SymCryptography("DES");
TestEnc = cryptic.Encrypt(plainText);
Console.WriteLine("Encrypted text: " + TestEnc + "\n");

Console.WriteLine("Using TripleDES algorithm:");
cryptic = new SymCryptography("TripleDES");
TestEnc = cryptic.Encrypt(plainText);
Console.WriteLine("Encrypted text: " + TestEnc + "\n");

Hash hash = new Hash("SHA1");
string TestHash = hash.Encrypt(plainText);
Console.WriteLine("Using SHA1 hashing algorithm:");
Console.WriteLine("Hashed text: " + TestHash + "\n");

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