Enabling Folder View for FTP sites



Hi, I'm using Windows NT and I want to view FTP sites
with "folder view" but that option is not even available
in my Internet Options. Is there anyone that can help me
determine how to enable it or what I may need to do?

Thank you for your time,



It's a separate option when installing IE6. You probably don't have the
feature installed.

After a REBOOT,
Do Start > Run > MSCONFIG.

From Tools, select Internet Explorer Repair Tool.

Select "Add a New Component", then click O.K.

Follow the instructions, and make sure you install the FTP folder view


Well, my friend who is having this problem (and asked me
to fix it) said that he couldn't fix the problem using
the solution you gave me Bill :( - I'm not sure what to
do now =\

Robert Aldwinckle

Hi, I'm using Windows NT and I want to view FTP sites
Unfortunately not all OS are the same. ;)
NT4 does not have msconfig. (Actually I'm not sure which OS
does its IE repair that way.)
NT does have an IE Add Component (e.g. via Add/Remove Programs)
but I don't think that a fix is going to be as simple as a Repair...

My guess is that IE6 was installed on a fresh partition without first
installing IE5x and its version of ...Browsing Enhancements...

<title>KB299893 - Unable to Install FTP Folders When You Install Internet Explorer 6</title>

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle


Thanks for the info, I'll try some more with the info you guys have given me
and see what I can come up with. I'll post back here again with my results.
Hopefully I'll get it figured out and then if someone else has the same
problem I had someday, they can use this thread to help them as well :)


Thanks for the info, I'll try some more with the info you guys have given me
and see what I can come up with. I'll post back here again with my results.
Hopefully I'll get it figured out and then if someone else has the same
problem I had someday, they can use this thread to help them as well :)

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