Enable IIS



When I bought my machine, I ordered Windows XP
Professional, and have upgraded faithfully since. Now I
want to enable IIS, and Windows requests the XP Pro SP 1
CD, wanting the file intercomm.dll. I put in my original
CD and it just keeps asking, leading me to believe that
the file is not there. What do I do?

John Barnett - MVP

Your copy of Win XP Pro is obviously a pre SP1 copy. A later version was
issued which contained SP1. Although you have 'faithfully' upgraded if it is
asking for the sp1 cd it need it to locate the file. Unfortunately it isn't
clever enough to think 'oh this guy has upgraded so the file may be on the
hard drive' Aren't computers great? :)
I think it is a case that you need the sp1 cd. You could probably download
it (i think it's around 450MB or something like that. I'm not too sure now)
and then burn it to a cd. But that is the only way round the problem that i
can think of because there is no way of directing xp to search your hard
drive for the file - well not when a message appears asking for the cd
anyway. Do a search of the Microsoft download site for sp1.

Doug Knox MS-MVP

If you're given the option to browse, point it to Windows\ServicePackFiles\I386

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