Empty "Links" folder on desktop, but no favorites.



I would be grateful to anyone that can solve this
annoyance. I am using Windows 2000. Internet Explorer
lost my favorites. I try to add or organize, and nothing
happens. When I open the browser, after a moment it
creates an empty folder named "Links". If I delete the
folder, it is just recreated. If I create any shortcuts
in the folder, they do not appear in my favorites.

I noticed it after I upgraded some software. It was
Sygate Personal Firewall. A new version was available.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Ramesh [MVP]


Reset the Favorites path in the registry which should fix the issue:

Windows stores the location of per-user special folders (including Internet
Explorer Favorites location) here:
Shell Folders]

Open Registry Editor and navigate to the above path. In the right-pane,
double-click Favorites and set it's value to the following ( without " )


Reset the Shell Folders paths to defaults:

Ramesh, MS-MVP XP Shell/UI

I would be grateful to anyone that can solve this
annoyance. I am using Windows 2000. Internet Explorer
lost my favorites. I try to add or organize, and nothing
happens. When I open the browser, after a moment it
creates an empty folder named "Links". If I delete the
folder, it is just recreated. If I create any shortcuts
in the folder, they do not appear in my favorites.

I noticed it after I upgraded some software. It was
Sygate Personal Firewall. A new version was available.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.



After I rebooted, I verified that the registry entries stayed corrected.
However, as soon as I open the browser, they revert to the old settings.
This may be close to the solution.

Thanks for all the helpful answers.

Don Varnau

There are many more possible solutions at

I would try exporting your Favorites from IE> File> Import/export, then
deleting the Favorites folder. You should be able to delete the folder from
Windows Explorer, from an administrator login. Restart and a new folder
should be created.


Ramesh [MVP]

Make sure you alter the User Shell Folders, not the Shell Folders.

Ramesh, MS-MVP XP Shell/UI

After I rebooted, I verified that the registry entries stayed corrected.
However, as soon as I open the browser, they revert to the old settings.
This may be close to the solution.

Thanks for all the helpful answers.


I, too, have this exact same problem and none of the posted solutions worked
for me. I am using these registry paths...


Shell Folders

Every time I start Internet Explorer the values change back to
"c:\winnt\favorites". I have run an adware scan on my Internet Explorer and
it appears to be clean.

Any other ideas?


Alan Edwards

A stab in the dark...

Check to see if there are similar keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE



I meet the same problem too and I've tried Ramesh suggestion and the Registry
resumed to the original values without any change. I still try but could
anybody find the solution?

Ramesh [MVP]

Close all instances of IE and open Registry Editor. Alter the "User Shell
Folders" (not "Shell Folders") favorites path.accordingly. Close Registry
editor and open IE.

If the settings are not saved, set a Registry audit to check what is
resetting the value:

Ramesh, MS-MVP XP Shell/UI

O excuse me, I'm using WindowsXP prof with SP2 updating recently.


I am still searching too. I can not find anything that is causing this.
Other users work fine. I have a blank homepage, maximum security settings,
and no activex or java installed.

I hope I do not have to delete this user, and then put it back in. It is a
lot of reinstalling, and I would probably forget to save some settings.

If anyone finds a solution, I would love to hear it. This is a real




It was blind luck that I noticed the final step needed to solve this problem,
and it just worked. Hope it works for you. Maybe someone who understands
this stuff can do it better!

There were two problems. You will need to use the run command to run
"regedt32", and not just "regedit".

The first involves the following value:


This solution is mentioned in the other posts. Use "regedt32" to correct
the string for this value so it is similar to this key's "Desktop" value's
string. Just replace the word "Desktop" with "Favorites" in the string.


The second problem involves the following value:

Shell Folders\Favorites

It should be of data type "REG_EXPAND_SZ" instead of just "REG_SZ". Use the
run command to run "regedt32", and not just "regedit". Just delete the above
value, and add a new value of the correct data type.

This part of the solution is mentioned in the other posts. Use "regedt32"
to correct the string for this value so it is similar to this key's "Desktop"
value's string. Just replace the word "Desktop" with "Favorites" in the

Hope this made sense. Thank you for all your help in straightening this out!


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