Empty holder can not be deleted



I encouter from time to time situation where I can not delete file
holder. The following is the one just happened.

I downloaded a zip file on the desktop, created a holder in D: drive,
moved the zip file to it, and unzipped the zip file. In the unzipping
process a new sub-holder was automatically created and extracted files
were saved in that sub-holder.

Then, I could delete the zip file, all extracted files, but could not
delete the automatically created sub-holder.

Could anyone help me understand why and how to delete it?


Then, I could delete the zip file, all extracted files, but could
not delete the automatically created sub-holder.

Could anyone help me understand why and how to delete it?

It would have helped if you had mentioned the error messages you get
when you try.

It's probably tagged by the operating system as in use by some program,
an installer or your virus scanner. Wait a while, and the lock may
expire. If not, try rebooting.


This could be an Ownership and Permission thing.

Take Ownership/Permissions
Even running as Administrator may leave you without permissions to modify
some files or folders, even ones that you have just downloaded and installed.
To access or modify (copy, delete, rename) files or folders you can take
Ownership of (in your Username) and grant yourself Full Control permissions
of the files or folders in question described in the following tutorial.


To avoid having to do this individually for hundreds of files, Take
Ownership of large branch folders like Program Files folder, Users folder, or
Windows folder, and grant yourself Full Control of the folder, all
subfolders, and all files contained in the folder. In the case of Program
Files, you would have full access to all your programs. In the case of Users
folder, you would have full access to your Music, Pictures, Videos,
Documents, etc. In the case of Windows folder you would have full access to
your OS, including Windows Installer. These folders are all major branches of
your C:\ drive that can be accessed by clicking on Computer->C:\. My C drive
is listed as OS(C:).

Windows Explorer Run As Administrator
Another way to gain access to modify files and folders includes going to the
Start button, typing in Windows Explorer, right-clicking on this and
selecting Run As Administrator. You should then have "elevated privileges"
to do whatever you wish to files in Windows Explorer.

Unlocker Program
There is also a program called Unlocker that you can use to gain access to
modify files and folders.


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