Embedded Pic increases Database Size?



I've used a few gradient pics on my Access Database for Forms, usually 4-6 kb
in size, yet my database increase by 1-2 megabytes with each form I apply
these images to. Why the exponential growth in the database size and is
there anyway to minimize this impact other than using linked pictures?

Roger Carlson

Not that I know of.

If I understand you correctly, you're using picture as background for forms,
right? If so:
1) Do you REALLY need to have pictures as form backgrounds? I personally
find them irritating, but that may be just me.
2) If you need to have pictures, is 1 or 2 MB/picture really all that bad?
10MB or so for an Access database is no problem.

--Roger Carlson
MS Access MVP
Access Database Samples: www.rogersaccesslibrary.com
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Hey Roger,

Yes, you are understanding correctly. It's an annoyance, not really a
problem. I'm just trying to understand how inserting a 1kb file adds .5 megs
to my database size and a 10 kb image adds over 1 meg.

Thanks for the feedback though.


After you embed the new ojbect, compact and repair your database to see if
that has any impact on its size.


Yes, tried that, no effect. Database without any dat is about 5 megs now, so
as long as I do not add anymore forms, it's a manageable size.

Thanks for the feedback/suggestions (thought I am still curious).


The curiousity part I understand, but practically speaking, since the size
limit is 2G and I trust you are doing the right thing by having a FrontEnd,
BackEnd configuration :) it should not be a problem.

My front end has 69 forms, 72 reports, 4 macros, 528 queries, 25 modules, 87
linked tables, and 48 local tables. The total size is 42 meg, which include
the data in the local user files.

My backend, on the other hand is just under 1G, but there is a bunch of data

Stephen Lebans

Embedded images are stored as uncompressed Bitmaps(DIB) or as DIBS wrappedn
within an Enhanced Metafile.

If you want a Gradient option that does not increase the size of your MDB
A97GradientFill.zip is a database containing a function that demonstrates
how to enable Gradient Backgrounds for your Forms with a single function

Version .8

Fixed two bugs brought to my attention by David Fenton. The one pixel black
border has been removed. Gradient fills now more logically starting from
left to right and top to bottom.

Version .7

Fixed runtime bug. Here is the modified Form Resize event code:

Private Sub Form_Resize()
' Call our function to redraw the Form's background Picture
' Access will generate a runtime error complaining
' that our image is not in the required DIB format
' even though it is if we:
'1) Minimize the form
'2) Shrink the form vertically below about 500 Twips
If Me.WindowHeight < 500 Then Exit Sub
GradientBackground Me, m_RGBStart, m_RGBEnd, m_Direction
End Sub

Version .6

First release

Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.


Thanks Stephan, this may be what the doctor ordered. And if it's converting
to BMP, then I can understand the size differential.

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