Embedded image in a Class Library



Hello guys,

C#, VS2005: I'm trying to send an email containing an image.
I use "new AlternateView(imgStream, Mime.MediaTypeNames.Image.Gif);" to do
so, fine.

The problem is before this, when I try to create the Strem (imgStream) from
an embedded resource (myImage) I have in a resource file (myResources.resx).

I tried this code but it always returns "null", if you have any idea, will
be pretty welcome!

Stream imgStream =


Andrew Faust

That's because you're asking for the resource from the executing assembly.
The executing assembly is NOT your dll. It's the program that is calling
your dll. From within your dll you should be able to access your resource
directly by name without the Assembly.* stuff. So to use your example you
can call myResources.myImage directly. It will return it as a byte array,
but at that point it's trivial to create a MemoryStream object that
references it.


Thanks for your reply, Andrew!

I can get to the bitmap using myAssembly.myResources.myImage as a
But that's all I can get... I didn't find a way to get the byte[], and much
less a stream out of it...

Carlos Sosa Albert

Andrew Faust said:
That's because you're asking for the resource from the executing assembly.
The executing assembly is NOT your dll. It's the program that is calling
your dll. From within your dll you should be able to access your resource
directly by name without the Assembly.* stuff. So to use your example you
can call myResources.myImage directly. It will return it as a byte array,
but at that point it's trivial to create a MemoryStream object that
references it.


I found it. You pointed me in the right direction mentioning MemoryStream,
and now it works:

Stream imgStream = new MemoryStream();
MyResources.MyImage.Save(imgStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif);

Thanks a lot!

Carlos Sosa Albert

Andrew Faust said:
That's because you're asking for the resource from the executing assembly.
The executing assembly is NOT your dll. It's the program that is calling
your dll. From within your dll you should be able to access your resource
directly by name without the Assembly.* stuff. So to use your example you
can call myResources.myImage directly. It will return it as a byte array,
but at that point it's trivial to create a MemoryStream object that
references it.

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