Embedded avi animations problem




I tried to put into empty slide avi animation - from file.
Powerpoint asks me if i want to start animation automatically - and i
say yes. I can see first frame on PP window, but if I'm starting my
presentation, animation is changing to black rectangle and does
nothing. All animations are recorded via firewire and microsoft movie
maker - all animations are correctly playable on windows media player.
What can be a reason of this ?


Troy @ TLC Creative

An .avi is a linked file, so depending on the computer speed and graphics
card there will be a slight delay as the video is cue'd to play. For a good
overview of multimedia in PPT look here:

Additionally I would recommend the PFCMedia add-in (pfcmedia.com) to
optimize the video file and insert into the presentation.


Thanks for reply, but:
I understand delays, but i waited really long, and my PC is not so slow
- AMD64 3500+, 1GB RAM, RAID1 SATA Disks. I reallized, that PP is
showing correctly MPEG animations, but if i'm using AVI created with MS
Movie Maker i have this black animation. This animation is
pretty big (80MB), but this shouldn't be a reason. I will try to use
this tool you wrote about.

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