Emailing PPS's that are too large



Can anyone tell me how people email pps's when they are huge files. Is there
some kind of software program that can make the file smaller? My pps's are
too large to email. I get them all the time from people so I know there's a


First try and make the presentation smaller
Reducing picture resolution and compression and using mp3 music are usually
a good start

Next the filesize you can email depends on your provider, if you need big
files you need a "proper" email service ie not hotmail etc

As a last resort use win zip to split files or use one of many ftp services

Did that answer the question / help?
John Wilson
Microsoft Certified Office Specialist

Steve Rindsberg

JDFDenver said:
Can anyone tell me how people email pps's when they are huge files. Is there
some kind of software program that can make the file smaller? My pps's are
too large to email. I get them all the time from people so I know there's a

Why are my PowerPoint files so big? What can I do about it?


Hi JDFDenver,
Because you didn't mention how you acquired your images and beside
sound files you can make all images files smaller too:
1. Your target Scan images set at 72 dpi 4x6 inches size 16 bits colors.
2. If you ever uses Photoshop to edit JPEG images then you should clean
it with JPGClearner.
3. If you ever uses Photoshop for a New bigger background --- choose:
72 pixels/inch Resolution, RGB color mode, 16 Bits, & Transparent
background. After finale editing, Flatten Image, Resize to 4x6 inch,
Save in JPG file. Continue steps #2 above.
4. If no Photoshop, get Irfanview. Google for all require URL.
5. Do NOT use PNG and TIFF images files.
6. Do Right click on images > Properties > read size. Record Before &
After effect.

Wish you control your thread and talk to us ASAP for direct problem solving.

Can anyone tell me how people email pps's when they are huge files. Is there
some kind of software program that can make the file smaller? My pps's are
too large to email. I get them all the time from people so I know there's a

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