email text with utlok express. format problem



I'vea function that create an email using the default mail program, to
format the text I use the function "ReplaceSpecialCharacters" found in the

This works with Outlook, but if the default mail program is outlook express
this function doesn't work. It create the email text as one paragraphe.
here is the function:

Private Function ReplaceSpecialCharacters(ByVal txt As _
String) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim ch As String
Dim result As String

For i = 1 To Len(txt)
ch = Mid$(txt, i, 1)
If (ch < " ") Or (ch > "~") Or (ch = "&") Then
' Replace with hex code.
ch = Right$("00" & Hex(Asc(ch)), 2)
result = result & "%" & ch
' Leave unchanged.
result = result & ch
End If
Next i

ReplaceSpecialCharacters = result
End Function

Any help please?

Herfried K. Wagner [MVP]

* "touf said:
I'vea function that create an email using the default mail program, to
format the text I use the function "ReplaceSpecialCharacters" found in the

This works with Outlook, but if the default mail program is outlook express
this function doesn't work. It create the email text as one paragraphe.
here is the function:

Have a look at 'HttpUtility.UrlEncode'.

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