Email ... takes FOREVER to receive/send


Julie Heyd

I'm running Vista via dial-up ... don't know much more comuter speak than
that, sorry. My question is ...

Email seemed much faster a week or so ago. It just took about 35 minutes to
retrieve 37 incoming messages. A few did have photos, attachments, etc.

Then, when trying to reply to one of these message, a message w/ only a few
lines went in a snap, however, one w/ more content took several minutes to
send (like 3-5 minutes, not immediately, like we're all used to).

Does this seem like an incredibly long time to receive/send messages or do I
just need to have more patience ... that, and DSL, obviously! Any other
solutions to speed up the process until I find another co that offers DSL?

Thanks in advance,


Gary VanderMolen

Make sure your antivirus is not configured to scan incoming and
outgoing emails.

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