email sent out from Office Outlook with my add as @earthlink How.



When I send email from OfficeOutlook, it appears that earthlink is shown as
mye the email return address (@earthlink) I am not receiving email in
Office Outlook. How can I correct this? Do I need to sign with my email

Brian Tillman

Email Replies said:
When I send email from OfficeOutlook, it appears that earthlink is
shown as mye the email return address (@earthlink) I am not
receiving email in Office Outlook. How can I correct this? Do I
need to sign with my email address?

No need to post more than once.

If the mail address in your account is incorrect, you can change it. It
will be in your account properties pages. How to open those depends on your
Outlook version, which you thought we should be able to guess or you would
have mentioned it.


2003 Outlook -- sorry I just opened the account. Rather new with home
computer. Use to folks at work and email called GroupWise.

Brian Tillman

Email Replies said:
2003 Outlook -- sorry I just opened the account. Rather new with home
computer. Use to folks at work and email called GroupWise.

To modify your account's address, click Tools>E-mail Accounts>Next. Select
your account and click Change. Put the correct address in the "E-mail
Address" field and click Next, then Finish.


I started a reply earlier but was interrupted by AOL Call Alert from my
church. When I attempted to change the email address and send another email,
I received a popup advising me that it was Norton blocking sending email with
another email address. I loss the message and will attempt to repeat the
operation. Thank you for your help.

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