email receive date and time changes


jon straub

I don't know if this is an exchange or outlook problem. but my email
receive date and time, and whether marked as unread constantly updates. I
read the emails then some time later look at inbox and all the emails have
new current date and time and are marked unread.

how odd

I'd appreaciate any help



Please provide the following information:

1) Version of Outlook
2) Email environment: Exchange, POP3, etc.
3) Does the user have a PST? If so, what is the size?
4) Are there any error messages/numbers?
5) Have you checked the application event viewer for any Outlook or
Office-related errors? If there are, what are the Event ID number(s) &
6) What troubleshooting steps have you taken yourself, so you're not told to
take steps you've already tried?
7) Is the antivirus scanning incoming/outgoing mail?
8) What is the polling frequency for mail?
9) Are there any COMs, Add Ins, synch software (for handheld), Fax software

jon straub

K. Orland said:
Please provide the following information:

1) Version of Outlook 2003 sp1
2) Email environment: Exchange, POP3, etc. exchange and pop. no email
from exchange
3) Does the user have a PST? If so, what is the size? ost. 258 mb
4) Are there any error messages/numbers? no
5) Have you checked the application event viewer for any Outlook or yes,
Office-related errors? If there are, what are the Event ID number(s) &
yes no
6) What troubleshooting steps have you taken yourself, so you're not told
take steps you've already tried? I just ran office repair and waiting to
see if problem goes away
7) Is the antivirus scanning incoming/outgoing mail? yes
8) What is the polling frequency for mail? 5 min
9) Are there any COMs, Add Ins, synch software (for handheld), Fax
running? active sync for pda, active sync 4.1 no inbox syncing, winfax

Kathleen Orland
Blessed are the cracked, for it is they who let in the light

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Try creating a new mail profile under control panel->mail
icon->profiles->new. Configure it to use your existing .pst file.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, jon straub asked:

| || Please provide the following information:
|| 1) Version of Outlook 2003 sp1
|| 2) Email environment: Exchange, POP3, etc. exchange and pop. no
|| email from exchange
|| 3) Does the user have a PST? If so, what is the size? ost. 258 mb
|| 4) Are there any error messages/numbers? no
|| 5) Have you checked the application event viewer for any Outlook or
|| yes, no
|| Office-related errors? If there are, what are the Event ID number(s)
|| & yes no
|| source(s)?
|| 6) What troubleshooting steps have you taken yourself, so you're not
|| told to
|| take steps you've already tried? I just ran office repair and
|| waiting to see if problem goes away
|| 7) Is the antivirus scanning incoming/outgoing mail? yes
|| 8) What is the polling frequency for mail? 5 min
|| 9) Are there any COMs, Add Ins, synch software (for handheld), Fax
|| software
|| running? active sync for pda, active sync 4.1 no inbox syncing,
|| winfax pro
| thanks
|| --
|| Kathleen Orland
|| Blessed are the cracked, for it is they who let in the light
|| "jon straub" wrote:
||| I don't know if this is an exchange or outlook problem. but my
||| email receive date and time, and whether marked as unread
||| constantly updates. I
||| read the emails then some time later look at inbox and all the
||| emails have
||| new current date and time and are marked unread.
||| how odd
||| I'd appreaciate any help
||| Jon

jon straub

running repair didn't help. I'll create an new profile. but it is an ost
file since I'm connected to an exchange server. as well as a pop server.


"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]"

jon straub

creating new profile didn't help.

what looks like the problem might be related to the email being redownloaded
from the server. that is email is left on server for 10 days or until
deleted. what appears to be happening is that outlook is redownloading the
same email, but instead of creating dublicates like I have seen on occation
in the past, it is just replacing the old email with the same email only
marked with a newer date and time, and marking as unread.



"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]"

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