Email query


Carl Howarth

Hi there,

I am trying to send emails automatically from a system using the following
code - I am wanting to use the hosting machine's own SMTP facility, which I
am sure has worked in the past!

Dim obMail As New MailMessage
With obMail

..To = (e-mail address removed)

..From = (e-mail address removed)

..Subject = "Clientserve Brief Created (" & Session("ClientName") & ")."

..BodyFormat = MailFormat.Html

..Body = Session("RealName") & " from " & Session("ClientName") & " has
submitted a brief using Clientserve.<BR><BR>Please log in to <A
HREF=''>CAS</a> to view the relevant

..Priority = MailPriority.Normal

End With


It goes through OK and doesn't generate an error but the email never

Any suggestions?

Many thanks, Carl

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