Email Notification Sound Outlook 2002


Ray Stuehmer

I have a new very annoying problem with Outlook 2002.
All the sound work fine through the external speaker
system except the new email notification. When a new
message comes in I get a "beep" from the computer speaker
on the storage box instead of my external speakers. I
have done all the fixes in terms of the check boxes in
the options menus, service pack updates, the control
panel/sounds and even the "regdit" even shows the
WindowsXP sound as the default email notification but it
doesn't work. I searched the MS Knowledge base and
didn't find anything that helped. Has anyone had this
problem and have any suggestions on a fix? I am fairly
computer literate and can usually fix these things on my
own but I am at an impasse...

Ray Stuehmer
(e-mail address removed)


I have the same problem with Outlook 2000 on a Windows
2000 machine. Did you ever find the fix? Pls e-mail me
if you have any info. Thanks.

(e-mail address removed)

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