Egghead Cafe copying messages on this forum to their web-site


Bill Woodruff


Recently I posted a message here on issues with setting ShowInTaskBar at
runtime; no one's responded yet, but I am not complaining :) I've always
felt that getting a response in groups like these is a "bonus," and I'm
always appeciative of the generous gift of time by experts that goes on
here, from people like Bob Powell, Frank Hileman, Jon Skeet, Nicholas
Paladino, and so many others !

I was doing a web search on this issue (Google), and came across this :

I was astounded to find that it was a copy of my post to this group.

There was no response, or comment, just a complete copy.

I doubt that there is any technical legal issue here of infringement on
intellectual property : I didn't put a copyright notice on my post (I can
only imagine the absurdity of that), but I do feel that just copying posts
is a shady business practice if the web site gets its revenues from
advertisers based on number of hits on the site as a whole. And I've
expressed this opinion directly to the operators of the site.

Is this a standard practice that is also going on on other web sites ? First
time I've seen it.

best, Bill


Yup, plenty of places doing it. It raises an interesting copyright question
but you would probably not want to post your business-critical secrets here
anyway ;-)

Bob Powell [MVP]

Your point is interesting Bill.

..Net247 for example, has been doing this for years.My take on it is that for
forums such as these, the wider the audience for one's questions the better.
These sites have a news client that reposts answers via their web interface
back to the newsgroup so it just opens horizons for you. I also think it's
good simply because the questions and answers become searchable whereas they
would remain more or less invisible to Google et-al if we just used nntp.

Bob Powell [MVP]
Visual C#, System.Drawing

Ramuseco Limited .NET consulting

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Jon Skeet [C# MVP]

Bob Powell said:
Your point is interesting Bill.

.Net247 for example, has been doing this for years.My take on it is that for
forums such as these, the wider the audience for one's questions the better.
These sites have a news client that reposts answers via their web interface
back to the newsgroup so it just opens horizons for you.

It does occasionally make my life interesting when I get an email
saying: "I saw your post about XYZ on [insert random site here]" when
I'd never even heard of the site before...
I also think it's good simply because the questions and answers
become searchable whereas they would remain more or less invisible to
Google et-al if we just used nntp.

Not at all - that's what is for.

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