efficient way of casting structure and class instances to char*



In C++ we can do things like (Header is an instance of C++ structure)


in C# we have Socket.Send(byte[] , int offset, int size, flags)

how do i convert the instance of a C# class or strucute to byte array
efficiently rathen then creating function myself todo that ?


Eric Gunnerson [MS]


If unsafe code is okay okay with you, you can do something like:

byte[] buffer = new byte[sizeof(Header)];

fixed (byte* pBuffer = buffer)
Header* pHeader = (Header*) pBuffer;

// set fields of pHeader here.

You might also find something useful in the Marshal class.

Eric Gunnerson

Visit the C# product team at http://www.csharp.net
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raza said:
In C++ we can do things like (Header is an instance of C++ structure)


in C# we have Socket.Send(byte[] , int offset, int size, flags)

how do i convert the instance of a C# class or strucute to byte array
efficiently rathen then creating function myself todo that ?


public struct Header
public int i;

// create header and setup
Header header = new Header();

// determine struct size
int size = Marshal.SizeOf( typeof(Header) );

// create byte-array
byte[] buffer = new byte[size];

// pin the byte array
GCHandle hBuffer = GCHandle.Alloc( buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned );

// marshal struct into the byte array
Marshal.StructToPtr( header, hBuffer.AddrOfPinnedObject(), true );

// free pinning

// now you can send the buffer
Send( buffer, 0, size, flags );


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