edit a field in an all ready established table

  • Thread starter dave@homedeliverygroup
  • Start date


Due to some recent changes that I have had to make to our database i now find
the need to the following and hopefully i explain it correctly...

I have a TextBox field on a data entry form, there was a need to hit the
enter button while still inside the field to enter on a second line still
within the same field... now what i need is have that property copied into
the old records in the table is there a way to do that...? All the new
records entered are correct, but when we access an older record we can't use
the enter key in the field...


Jeff Boyce

Have you looked into using an Update query? (NOTE -- make a backup copy or
two before using a query that alters data!)


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

John Spencer

Are you using the same data entry form with new records and old records? If
so the behavior should be identical. I've never run into this behavior.

What version of Access? What service packs?

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County


Hi John,
Yes we are... the field in the form is "description" as it is in the table
the the form is based on... when we enter new records with that field
property changed to except the enter key within the textbox it works fine,
hwoever if we go back to edit previous files pushing the enter button moves
us to the next field...?

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