Easy way of validating data in webForm textbox?



Is there an easy way for me to validate what's entered in a webForm
textbox? For example, how can I check that the user only enters a
number (and not letters) in a textbox?
I have VS 2005.

Colin Williams

To test for a valid floating-point number, use Convert.ToSingle:
if it throws an exception [which you can catch], the number is not

Colin Williams

Michael Nemtsev

Hello VMI,

use the standard asp.net validator controls

V> Is there an easy way for me to validate what's entered in a webForm
V> textbox? For example, how can I check that the user only enters a
V> number (and not letters) in a textbox?
V> I have VS 2005.
V> Thanks.
Michael Nemtsev :: blog: http://spaces.live.com/laflour

"At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not
cease to be insipid." (c) Friedrich Nietzsch

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