Easy Transfer of email from OE in XP to Outlook in Vista?



Can anyone please tell me if I can transfer (using Easy Transfer) my old
email (in Outlook Express) in my XP PC, to Outlook in my new Vista PC, or do
I have to transfer to Windows Mail.

Tatsuo Yamada [MSFT]

Hi Steve,

Yes, you can use Windows Easy Transfer to transfer e-mail messages from your
Windows XP computer to your Windows Vista computer. You can transfer
messages, account settings, and address books from Microsoft Outlook
Express, Outlook, Windows Mail, and other e‑mail programs. However, this
only transfers those messages from one computer to another. I believe that
you will still need to import the Microsoft Outlook Express messages into
Microsoft Outlook.

I would suggest reading the help topic "Transferring files and settings:
frequently asked questions"
It might answer some of the questions you might have about using Windows
Easy Transfer and will help you get ready for a transfer.

You can find information about importing messages from Outlook Express to
Microosft Outlook 2002 or Microsoft Office Outlook 2003, here:
You can find information about importing messages from Outlook Express to
Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, here:

Hope this helps,


Excellent help - thank you. One more question: on the help topics you
referred me to, it refers to Outlook Express on the PC I'm transferring to -
does this mean Windows Mail in Vista (i.e. is it the same as OE ?). As you
hint, it sounds easier to first copy from OE (old XP PC) to Windows Mail (new
Vista PC), then transfer from Windows Mail to OUtlook (on same Vista PC). Is
my thinking correct?
Thanks very much for your help.

Tatsuo Yamada said:
Hi Steve,

Yes, you can use Windows Easy Transfer to transfer e-mail messages from your
Windows XP computer to your Windows Vista computer. You can transfer
messages, account settings, and address books from Microsoft Outlook
Express, Outlook, Windows Mail, and other e‑mail programs. However, this
only transfers those messages from one computer to another. I believe that
you will still need to import the Microsoft Outlook Express messages into
Microsoft Outlook.

I would suggest reading the help topic "Transferring files and settings:
frequently asked questions"
It might answer some of the questions you might have about using Windows
Easy Transfer and will help you get ready for a transfer.

You can find information about importing messages from Outlook Express to
Microosft Outlook 2002 or Microsoft Office Outlook 2003, here:
You can find information about importing messages from Outlook Express to
Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, here:

Hope this helps,

Tatsuo Yamada
Windows User Assistance team
Microsoft Corporation

Tatsuo Yamada [MSFT]

Hi Steve,

I apologize if I wasn't more clear in my original message. Windows Easy
Transfer will transfer Outlook Express files, but once they are transferred
you will still need to import those files in Microsoft Outlook in order to
access them.

If you are planning on using Microsoft Outlook and not Windows Mail (which
replaces Outlook Express in Windows Vista) you should import messages from
Outlook Express to Microsoft Outlook directly.

Hope this helps,

Tatsuo Yamada
Windows User Assistance team
Microsoft Corporation

Steve said:
Excellent help - thank you. One more question: on the help topics you
referred me to, it refers to Outlook Express on the PC I'm transferring
to -
does this mean Windows Mail in Vista (i.e. is it the same as OE ?). As
hint, it sounds easier to first copy from OE (old XP PC) to Windows Mail
Vista PC), then transfer from Windows Mail to OUtlook (on same Vista PC).
my thinking correct?

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