Easy fix for Spell Check



If you receive the message "This language is no longer available",
1.)Go the tabs in the Inbox - Windows Mail (not the tabs on the page with
the email you are checking).
2.) Click on the Tools tab, then select options.
3.) On the Options page select the spelling tab.
4.) In the 3rd section, select another language than English, click on
apply, then ok.
5.) Then repeat steps 1,2,3.
6.) When you get to select another language, select English, click on apply,
then ok.

This worked for me. I've not had the problem since.

R. C. White

Hi, Cyn.

Thanks for posting that quick fix. It ought to help some others who have
reported this problem. ;<)
1.)Go the tabs in the Inbox - Windows Mail (not the tabs on the page with
the email you are checking).

Yes, this Compose window, where I'm typing this Reply, also has a Tools |
Spelling selection, but all that does is spell-check the message currently
being composed. In WLM beta (12.0.1184), the main Tools | Options |
Spelling screen offers a choice of one or more of five languages. There
also is an easy-to-miss checkbox to "Check spelling in the current input

R. C. White, CPA
San Marcos, TX
(e-mail address removed)
Microsoft Windows MVP
(Running Windows Live Mail beta in Vista Ultimate x64)


Hi! cyn, your solution worked beautifully. Had got a bit frustrated at not
being able to use spell check. Many thanks.


That would be a good fix, except in the final step :click APPLY: there is NO
such button on my screen as APPLY. Therefore none of the options I select are
fact save. What do I do now?

Gary VanderMolen

"Apply" should be there, but if not, clicking OK will accomplish
the same thing.

Gary VanderMolen


Unfortunately not only is there no APPLY box there is also no OK box not
other way to indicat the selection. However, using these instructions, I have
somehow manage to change the spell-check language to GERMAN. Now, I need to
switch it back to ENGLISH. But, I can select ENGLISH but there is no way to
'save' the selection and it reverts to GERMAN upon exiting the options page.
Any clue?

Gary VanderMolen

It sounds like your Windows Mail is being interfered with
by your antivirus program.
Windows Mail is not compatible with most McAfee or Norton
security programs. Those will need to be uninstalled, not
just disabled.

After uninstalling your non-compatible antivirus, download
and install a more compatible antivirus like the free Avast:

Even compatible antivirus programs will need to have their
email scanning option turned off. For more on this topic see

Gary VanderMolen


a Work-around for now turned out to be holding down the left mouse button
while selecting English. The "missing buttons" still did not become visitlbe,
however the effect was if they had and the choices on this Options page were
in fact saved. The computer in use is an HP 2510p with installed Vista
business version. My IT department installed a McAfee-enterprise edition
under their site lincse. I have asked they review changing to a more
compatible anti-virus program.

Gary VanderMolen

Since you will have difficulty convincing your IT department
to change their antivirus policy, you might consider upgrading
your Windows Mail to Windows Live Mail. The latter seems to
be more resistant to corruption from antivirus activity.

Gary VanderMolen


Thanks Cyn
How wonderful to have instructions that are fool proof. Within minutes I
had my spell checker all working. Nice to have it again. Many thanks.


THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
I was getting mad because I was going to the page where my email was (to
look for the options thing)and I couldn't find it. So thank you.


Well I hope this does the trick I guess this will let me send a message or
it wont, I will soon find if it does THANKS A MILLION and if it does not
back to the drawing board


I found it easier to just click "check spelling on all emails" which is in
your options/ spelling tab. Spell check worked perfectly after that

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